Gefördert durch die Beauftragte der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien im Programm NEUSTART KULTUR, Hilfsprogramm DIS-TANZEN des Dachverband Tanz Deutschland. Thank you for the support of Dis tanzen solo, Dachverband Tanz
Germany, 2022
Music video for the lovely Academy-Award winning Markéta Irglová
Produced by Sturla Mio Thorisson, Video by RADIM VANOUŠ LITTLE GRETA production, Starring and choreography: ALEJANDRA JARA and YANNIER OVIEDO
Music video for the lovely Academy-Award winning Markéta Irglová
Director: Anni Ólafsdóttir - Co-director: Andri Snær Magnason, Producer: Andri Snær Magnason , Producers on set: Hanna Björk Valsdóttir & Sturla Míó Þórisson Executive Producers: Markéta Irglová & Sturla Míó Þórisson Performers Dancers (In order of appearance): Ale Jara, Yannier Oviedo and Klavs Liepins
Direction: Maren Dessel, Creative Director: Stefan Petschinka (photo credit)
Dance & Choreography: Alejandra Jara, Music: Stefan Petschinka
Directors: Helgi Jóhannsson & Hörður Sveinsson, Producer: Atli Viðar Þorsteinsson, DP: Anton Smári, Production Company: Refur Creative, Dancer: Alejandra Jara
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